Saturday, January 19, 2008

And so it begins!

Okay, the partners have been selected. I hope I haven't made any huge mistakes! You'll be receiving an e-mail message by the end of Monday with your partner's name and address. Note, some of you may have more than one partner. Those are usually the folks who said they were sending 50+ packages. It's up to you to communicate with your partner school and set up any final arrangements. Be sure I haven't made any mistakes with the mailing addresses. If I have correct them with your partner. Also, I'm creating pages to receive your scores. If you have any images you want posted of either your students making the packages, testing the packages, or opening the packages feel free to send them. Before you do, check with your school on its policy for displaying images of student faces. If there are any problems, especially if you know that you can't send the packages, let me know, and I'll try to reassign people.

Clear Skies,


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