Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Packaging info

This is my first year joining the challenge with my students. Just curious as to how the kids go about sending the packages. Do you incorporate having the kids investigate the post office to find out how they can send the packages? I don't know myself. Can you basically cover any container with a brown paper bag and send it by mail??? I just want to make sure I am sending the kids on the right path.


Mr. Lindgren said...

Having someone check with the local post office would be great, The regulations vary so much. Mine are usually wrapped in brown paper. Many send them in a box with no wrapper. Just be sure that any secondary mailing addresses have been eliminated.


Mrs. Kuzara said...

So, does the weight of the brown paper bag, or box, count in the weight of their container, or is the container weighted after it is taken out of the mailing paper/box?

Mr. Lindgren said...

The weight of the wrapping would have to count. It's part of the package.
